Tests of a planet cooling scheme could begin soon. Do their benefits outweigh their dangers?
Would solar panels now be beneficial for my house?
What are today's human/technology interactions teaching us about the brain?
Have you ever developed a technology that initially appeared to fail - and then became successful?
Is AI sentient? Will it ever be? Join the debate.
We have worked in-office, at home, and at both. How do you like your current work location(s)?
Rhode Island mandates 100% renewable electricity by 2033. Is that realistic for your state?
Many teachers are considering leaving the profession. Is this also true of University professors?
What will be the top tech story of 2023?
What is technology's best failure? (yes, you read that correct, failure!)
How often do you use your engineering skills to improve or better maintain your home?
Automobile fuel efficiency is increasing. How high can it go?
What should the tech industry do to be more LGBTQ inclusive? What should IEEE do?
What is your favorite movie about humanoid robots? Why?
Where would space exploration be without the invention of the transistor?
How long will it be until we have a green passenger airplane?
IEEE Day 2022 Poll - We want to hear from you!
Algorithms largely run many cities. Does your city have too much or too little automation?
Did you know: Any user can create a workspace...in minutes? Create one today!
Twitter labeled BBC, PBS as ‘government-funded media.’ Is that fair and accurate?
In an AI age, how can I distinguish my coding skills?
When will robots triumph over world cup winners? Why will it take that long?
Is OpenAI's use of copyrighted material legal? Should it be?
A "Godfather of AI" called for an org to defend humanity from AI. Could that/should that be IEEE?
Has science fiction become too influential in setting tech directions?
What are the top tech trends you'll be watching in 2024 and beyond?
What are your concerns or excitement around generative AI?
Should we blame the app or blame the user for AI app failures?
Is encouraging STEM majors a good - or bad - idea?
Is it inevitable that electric vehicles become the dominant form of automobiles? Why or why not?
Is it acceptable to use AI on the job - without telling your employer?
How much of your "writer's voice" would you give up to use an AI Chatbot to write for you?
Is it time to reconsider the safety and efficacy of nuclear power?
If you were running in the Olympics, would you wear jewelry and big hair?
Do the benefits of generative AI fully outweigh the environmental impact (EI)?
Seeking Candidates!
Tenure Track Assistant Professor Position
How has technology enhanced your holiday celebrations?
People can find you by analyzing your DNA. Do you care about your loss of privacy?
Would you use a computer if its results were not 100% accurate?
What tech will be important to success of the metaverse? AI, VR, AR, 5G, supercomputing, other?
What technology most needs better government regulation?
What personality would you want your chatbot to have?
What do you think was the top tech story of 2022?
Has global warming affected your summer vacation?
Researcher tells AI to write a paper about itself, then submits for publication. Who's the author?
Is your social media influencer young, and physically appealing? or a deceptive avatar?
Should developing technologies that discriminate against racial minorities be an ethics violation?
When will an Electric Vehicle (EV) win its first Formula One race?
Robots are cheaper and more reliable than humans. Why are they not winning in the job market?
How many people do you think are fooled by the deepfake of President Biden singing Baby Shark?
Will you "invest" in crypto? Or do you consider it just too risky?
Is new technology making us more productive? Some say no. Do you disagree?
Elon Musk's takeoverb of Twitter is in jeopardy. Do you care? Why?
Roundtable on Sustainable Manufacturing on 28 June. Details included here!
Keep the conversation going - 2022 WIE International Leadership Conference
Is it a national security concern if a foreign government knows a lot about your citizens?
Would you let your child use a chatbot? Within what set of circumstances?
Which generative AI application poses the greatest concern? Why?
If I used generative AI to help write an article, have I violated copyright law?
Today's AV technology is astounding. Do you still want to visit museums? Why?
Can you tell when you're talking to a chatbot? How?
How bad would it be if GPS temporarily failed and there was no ready substitute?
How will it be until the majority of new cars sold will be electric vehicles? Why?
When will we see common consumer use of Virtual Reality(VR) devices? Why?
If art is how we express our humanity, where does AI fit in?
Would you rather use a chatbot than browse a website? Do they understand your needs?
Are we more lonely than ten years ago because of the greater presence of technology in our lives?
Solar and wind to top coal in US in 2024. How good is this news?/
On MLK Jr Day in the US, we celebrate volunteerism and his connection to Mahatma Gandhi!
Would you like to see patent protection changed? How?
Should your children's teachers be able to use AI to grade student work?
Should we prevent explicit deepfakes from appearing on social media? How?
Who would you go to for relationship advice? A friend, a counselor, Mom, Dear Abby, an AI app?
Can you be a successful programer in 2027 if you don't know AI?
Autonomous vehicles are revolutionizing the way we think about transportation.
How much credence should we give to the proclamations of tech titans?
Should dormant nuclear power plants be restarted?
What IEEE-Foundation-supported activity would you most like to see better supported?
When will carbon capture/sequestration become a significant factor w.r.t. climate change?