Dr. Juan Gers Life Senior

Weston, Florida , USA  •  IEEE Broward Section
GERS USA - Electrical Engineering Consultants Generating Comprehensive and Innovative Solutions for the Energy Sector
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Dr. Gers is an electrical engineer with a strong background in Protection and Power System Analysis. He obtained his BSc in Electrical Engineering at University of Valle, Colombia, in 1977. In 1981 he finished his MSc in Power Systems at the University of Salford in England and his PhD in 1998 at the University of Strathclyde in Scotland with research in Distribution Systems Automation. In 1981 he founded GERS which is a consulting engineering company specializing in power systems. The company has offices in the USA, Colombia, Mexico, and Chile. He was lecturer at University of Valle for more than 20 years and the Vice Minister of Mines and Energy of Colombia in 2002. He also is an instructor for several Power Systems courses at Gonzaga University. He is the author of several books and over 40 technical papers. Dr. Gers is a Chartered Engineer of the IET, IEEE Senior Member. He currently participates in several groups of the Power System Relaying Committee – PSRC of the IEEE.
Electrical engineering
Electrical engineering industry
Power generation
Renewable energy sources
Smart grids
Solar power generation
Chairman of the Board/President/CEO
Juan M. Gers and Edward Holmes, "Protection of Electricity Distribution Networks (4th Edition)," 2021.
Juan M. Gers, "Protection of Electricity Distribution Networks (3rd Edition)," 2013.
Juan Manuel Gers-Ospina and Leinyker Palacios-Bocanegra, "A Minigrid Automation System for Power Management," 2022 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D).
Juan Gers and Carlo Viggiano, "Reliability and Flexibility Criteria to Locate Motor Operated Switches in Distribution Systems," 2018 IEEE ANDESCON.
University of Strathclyde
Doctor of Philosophy
Engineering , 1998
University of Salford
Master of Science
Engineering , 1980
Universidad del Valle
Bachelor of Science
Engineering , 1977