James Boyd
Microcontroller-based Designs for Consumer And Industrial Products
Phone+19735840329 (Work)+19737143065 (Cell)
I am an independent consultant with more than 40 years of consulting experience, spanning a variety of design disciplines. A brief outline of my services given below. I perform design projects on a Time & Materials or Fixed-Fee basis involving hardware and/or firmware design in the following areas: [] Real-Time Microcontroller Firmware Design ( in C and ASM ) [] Single-Chip Microcontroller Hardware Design ( PIC, dsPIC, others ) [] Wireless data transmission (RF, IR, AC Power-Line) [] RS-485, USB, Ethernet & CAN-Bus Networks [] Telephony, Motion and Lighting Applications [] Analog / Digital Design [] PCB Design (Altium Designer). I am an Authorized Microchip Design Partner (PREFERRED-Level). Complete in-house development support is available for the full line of Microchip (PIC) microcontrollers. I also held the position of Consulting Editor of the popular Ideas for Design section of ELECTRONIC DESIGN magazine from 1995 to 2001.
Technical Expertise
Special Skills
Technical Specialties
Microcontroller-based consumer product and industrial control design since 1978. Microchip PIC microcontrollers and microprocessors. Authorized Microchip Design Partner (GOLD-Level); Authorized Altium Service Bureau; Certified Hi-Tech C Expert. Hardware Design - Analog and Digital. Real-Time embedded firmware in Assembly and C (CCS, HiTech C, XC8, XC16, XC32, MPLAB Harmony). Altium PCB design, schematic capture and documentation. USB, Ethernet, RS-485, SPI, I2C, CAN-Bus interfaces. Wireless communications � ISM, cordless telephony (custom protocols), Bluetooth, Wifi, Zigbee, MiFi. Battery-powered systems. Troubleshooting. Design Reviews. Expert Witness. Patent Evaluation and Infringement Testimony. Technical Writing. Consulting Editor, Ideas For Design section of ELECTRONIC DESIGN from 1995-2001. Full Microchip� Support - PIC10, PIC12, PIC16, PIC18, dsPIC, PIC24, PIC32; MPLAB; MPLABX. Cypress pSoC, Atmel AVR, ATTiny, ARM Cortex, 8051 Series. Wireless Data Transmission (RF, IR, AC Power-Line). Data Acquisition, ADC, Low-noise circuits for thermocouples, strain gauge and vacuum sensors. LED Lighting and Motion Controls and PWM control. FreeRTOS. Industrial Controls and Smart Sensors. Windows-based development environment: Word, Excel, Access, Visio.
Additional Specialties
Authorized Microchip Design Partner (PREFERRED-Level); Authorized Altium Service Bureau; Certified Hi-Tech C Expert. Assembly and C (CCS, HiTech C, XC8, XC16, XC32, MPLAB Harmony). Altium Designer PCB. Full Microchip� Support - PIC10, PIC12, PIC16, PIC18, dsPIC, PIC24, PIC32; MPLAB; MPLABX. Cypress pSoC Designer, Atmel AVR Studio, Windows-based development environment: Word, Excel, Access, Visio.
V.P. Engineering/Director Engineering
XL Research Inc.
Employment Settings
Employment Preferences
Employment TypeConsultant, Contract EmployeeDesired SalaryNot ApplicableTravelNoneAvailable for International AssignmentsNoCommuteNot Applicable
Cooper Union
Bachelor of Engineering
, 1975