Mr. Craig Rodine Member

San Jose, California , USA  •  IEEE Santa Clara Valley Section
  • Phone
    +14083197307 (Work)
    +14083197307 (Cell)
    +14083197307 (Home)
  • Instant Messenger (Google Talk (G Talk))
    craigrodine (Skype)
Craig Rodine is Principal Investigator for multiple DOE-funded and internal Sandia Labs projects, directing R&D on communications and cybersecurity at the ‘converged energy edge’. These cover a range of areas and interests, including Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure; the foundations of cybersecurity in cryptography and Public Key Infrastructure; IEEE 802® and IETF IoT standards and technologies; and Open Source Software and Hardware development. Before joining Sandia Craig was Senior Director, Standards at ChargePoint, Inc. Over his 30+ year career, he has worked in software development, embedded systems, computing, communications and networking, business development for emerging technologies, and academic R&D.
Member of Technical Staff
Sandia National Laboratories
University of Cambridge - Darwin College
Universite de Paris
Master of Science
Mathematics , 1989
Haverford College
Bachelor of Science
Other , 1979