"3rd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Communication Systems (ICKECS-2025)”

ICKECS-2025 aims to strengthen relationships between Industries/Organizations, Research Laboratories, and Institutions. Knowledge Engineering and Communication Systems is a multidisciplinary field that combines Artificial Intelligence (AI), Knowledge representation and Communication technologies to develop intelligent systems that can effectively capture, process and communicate knowledge. It has a significant impact on various fields, including AI, healthcare, education, engineering and business. The purpose of this conference is to share the research ideas and solution approaches for problems of today’s Knowledge Engineering and Communication Systems.             
We heartily invite you for the conference with a request to circulate the  information  brochure  and  encourage  faculty  members/Research scholars belonging to CSE, ISE, AI&ML, AI&DS, MCA, ECE, EIE, EEE and other allied branches of CSE department of your Institution/Organization to actively participate in the form of submitting their research findings/contributions for favorable presentation at the Conference and its subsequent publication in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

The conference brochure and poster is attached herewith for your kind perusal.

Conference website:  https://ickecs.sjcit.ac.in/ 

ICKECS-2025 is listed in IEEE Conference Search/ Call for Papers:

 Paper submission deadline: 05th January 2025.

 CMT Paper Submission Link: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICKECS2025 

For more details, please feel free to contact: Co-Ordinator's
ICKECS - 2025
Mob: +919738228959, +91988622656, +919738121327
E - mail:  ickecs2025@sjcit.ac.in Website: https://ickecs.sjcit.ac.in/

With Best regards
Dr. G T Raju                                                                                                                                          Principal
SJC Institute of Technology, Chikkaballapur.
General Chair – ICKECS 2025