Origami-Inspired Haptics

I firmly believe that origami-inspired concepts will shape the future of robotics and the Metaverse. So much that I published 3 papers about it for my PhD in soft haptics! In particular, the literature review below is the most substantial work I am democratizing to the public, please share to anybody interested. Thank you to my co-authors, supervisor, and NYUAD's Center of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for making this possible!

Origami-Inspired Haptics: A Literature Review

Origami-based Haptic Syringe for Local Anesthesia Simulator

Origami-Inspired Vibrotactile Actuator (OriVib): Design and Characterization

Project link:

#nyuad #newyorkuniversity #origami #haptics #metaverse #vr #scienceandtechnology #engineering #openaccessjournal