These two Papers on Demand and Flexibility reference 200 other research papers & articles
These Two Papers from US Research Centres focus on Demand and Flexibility and reference around 200 other research papers & articles. Both are good starting points for the TF2 Team. There is no doubt that TF2 work will require much reading !!!
We need to refine and distil these large volumes of content. It will require a team effort for sure :-)
1) Energy flexibility of residential buildings: A systematic review of characterization and quantification methods and applications - Han Li, Zhe Wang, Tianzhen Hong ∗ , MaryAnn Piette
2) Defining and applying an electricity demand flexibility benchmarking metrics framework for grid-interactive efficient commercial buildings -- Jingjing Liu, Rongxin Yin, Lili Yu, Mary Ann Piette, Marco Pritoni, Armando Casillas, Jiarong Xie, Tianzhen Hong, Monica Neukomm, Peter Schwartz
There certainly are many other papers we need to inspect and review in order to isolate the many, many metrics.