Welcome everyone!

On behalf of Irene Katzela and myself, it's my privilege to extend a warm welcome to IEEE Toronto members who have an interest in Blockchain.

The IEEE Blockchain initiative has graduated into a Technical Community regrouping many local groups around the world.

I'd like to draw your attention to the event page at https://blockchain.ieee.org/conferences - stay tuned for in-person and virtual events as well (e.g. BCAMS). I'm in talks with organizations who can help us organize a world-wide hackathon.

The Toronto local group ran its first official event on August 2023, with a keynote from IEEE Blockchain Chair Dr Ramesh Ramadoss. With the help of students volunteering, we're hoping to run another event in Toronto this Fall. 

Feel free to reach out to me about the Blockchain Technical Community, which we're aiming to grow in Canada. 


Marc Lijour