Private posted in R3-FWCS-Senior-Roundup-Networking workspace

Call for Volunteers: Help Curate Our Region 3 Senior Membership Event on 14 September 2024

We are excited to announce our upcoming Region-wide Senior Membership Event on 14 September 2024 at 12 PM EST. This event aims to support IEEE members in their journey to Senior Member status by providing a comprehensive, one-stop-shop solution, including CV reviews, essential nominations, and reference assistance.

To ensure the success of this event, we are seeking volunteers to help in several key areas:

  1. Reference Providers: We need experienced members to act as reference providers for candidates seeking elevation to Senior Member status. Your role will be to review CVs and provide the necessary references during the event.

  2. Special Case Offline Reference Providers: We also require volunteers who can provide references offline for special cases. This may involve pre-event preparation and coordination with the candidates.

  3. Backup Reference Providers: As a backup reference provider, you will be on-call during the event. In case a scheduled reference provider is unable to attend, we will send you a text message, and you will need to join the call within 10 minutes to assist the candidates.

This is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the IEEE community, network with fellow professionals, and support your peers in achieving a significant milestone in their careers.

If you are interested in volunteering, please respond to this post or contact us directly at Your participation and support will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your commitment and dedication to the IEEE community. We look forward to working with you to make this event a success.

Best regards,

Anthony Perales
IEEE Senior Member
Region 3 Deputy Senior Member Elevation Committee Coordinator