Private posted in R3-FWCS-Senior-Roundup-Networking workspace

** IEEExtreme competition registration * IEEEXtreme looking for students to register **

Tags: zzExpired zzSnehaSudhirShetiya zzevent zzVtools zzStudent zz231012

Title: ** IEEExtreme competition registration *  IEEEXtreme looking for students to register **

Hi all. I will be proctoring for the upcoming IEEExtreme 17.0 and am looking for IEEE members/students willing to participate as teams. Also if any senior member is willing to proctor, i would like to refer you guys. Kindly reach out  at the earliest.


Please reply back with a Collabratec message with your email address or leave a comment to this post.

Here are the details for registration:

registration link:


