October 2023 edition of Wavelengths is now out....!
October is here! I thought September was hectic, but color me purple - this month is even more busy with major workshops and conferences all over. We have several IEEE Sections/Chapter events to look forward to and they can be found both online at our website ( A compressed version of the newsletter is available in high resolution for download)
Some of the highlights for this edition are:
- Our Section 60th Anniversary celebration takes place on November 4th!
- Fall Conference 2023 takes place on Oct 18th @Kellogg Center - MSU campus
- ESW 2023 21st annual workshop happens on October 28th
- Recent Profiles of several members who have now achieved senior status
- Young Professionals event on October 17th - How to rock your first 90 days at work!
- AI and Machine Learning using Scratch event at LTU on October 7th
- Optimization using Quantum Computing on October 10th (virtual)
- Hands on embedded controller workshop - Taming DC motors - October 21st - certain pre-requisites apply
Our regular engineering humor meme resumes this month! (see the last page of the issue). Enjoy!