Private posted in IEEE-Puerto-Rico-and-Caribbean-Section workspace

Proposal to Allow Variation in the Grid’s Voltage and/or Frequency

Would you like to review and comment on my proposal?  If yes, send to me an email at  Mike Moodie, Retired Professional Engineer, MN, electrical and agricultural

My proposal is 13 pages, plus 17 pages of review comments and my responses.  


Professors and Instructors (TAs) of electrical, controls, or mechanical engineering, such as for a Capstone project (aka Senior Design Project) or MS Thesis or Theses.  Because of this wide audience, some terms will be defined that are familiar to some.


Part of my career has been designing microgrids (such as large ships and engine-generator endurance testing), and backup power supply (isolated from the grid).   I am experienced in those specifications and less familiar with utility requirements.   (I am a member of IEEE, IAS and IES.  I was a member of NFPA, ISA, and ASABE.)

When I learned that the Texas grid was close to blackout, total shutdown, because the protective relays were set to trip the breakers at 59.4 Hz (or less; 1% or more drop) and 9 minutes, I was very surprised.  It appeared to be setting intended for a delicate system.  This makes it a vulnerable system.  (Because I now live in Texas, I am personally concerned.)

Though this proposal is targeted to Texas, it also applies to other small grids, such as Puerto Rico (5.8 GW), Hawaii (1.7 GW), Guam (560 MW), Alaska, US Virgin Islands, etc.  The Biden administration is funding the development of microgrids (maximum 50 MW), so this proposal may apply to them. 
