Private posted in Hydroinformatics workspace

Five new startup ideas for hydroinformatics engineers

Hydroinformatics is the use of data science and integrated communication technologies in the development of water resources. This field is currently gaining popularity. However, the number of start-ups in this field is limited. In this article, five start-up concepts are presented that can help entrepreneurs capitalize on market insaturation.

Start-Up Idea 1
Portable Water Quality Indicating Meters
We are all aware that water is scarce, but did you know that not all of the water on the planet is usable? If the world's water supply was only 100 litres (26 gallons), our usable fresh water supply would be approximately 0.003 litres (one-half teaspoon).

So, before you drink water, you should know its quality. We frequently drink water shared by friends or borrowed from a shopkeeper or house owner. Some people will buy bottled water to ensure that they are drinking water that is safe to drink. However, testing revealed that the majority of the water in question was unfit for human consumption.

If there is a device that can identify the quality of water before we consume it, we can avoid contamination as well as the risk of contracting a disease from the water we drink.

There are some instruments that can determine the quality of water for you, but they are expensive and difficult to use. That is, they are appropriate for laboratory personnel but not for the general public.

That is why, if anyone can start a company that manufactures Portable Water Quality Indicating Metres which can be used by the general public, this product will have the potential to revolutionize the way we consume water. This type of instrument can use optical sensors to determine the quality of water based on a picture of the water's surface.

To develop such machines, someone who understands sensors and circuitry as well as the concept of digital image processing and water quality is required. This will be a multidisciplinary project.

Start-Up Idea 2
Reliability Indicator of Water Filters
The majority of us buy water filters. We use it based on the manufacturer's promises. But have we ever tried to find out if the promises they make are true? There are numerous instances where customers have discovered that they contracted waterborne diseases as a result of the false claims made by the filter manufacturers. The manufacturers' admissions regarding the claims they made about their filters shocked those who had brought legal actions against them.

Furthermore, we never test the performance of our filters after more than 2 or 5 years of use. However, the reliability of such filters must be tested on a regular basis.

This void could be filled by a water entrepreneur. One can create a product that regularly monitors the performance of water filters. It is possible to monitor the quality of water entering and leaving a filter with the aid of sensors and a display board. Water quality can be represented by the Water Quality Index or by monitoring each important parameter separately (for example, BOD, COD, Coliform, TDS, TSS, and so on). The entrepreneur who attempts to create such a product must ensure that the cost of procuring such devices does not exceed the cost of the filter.

Click to see the presentation to know about the remaining ideas.