Mr. Vladimir Kharlampidi Senior Member

Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov , Russian Federation  •  IEEE Russia Section
I am very passionate about building mobile and desktop web applications, user interfaces, and contributing to the open-source community by creating great and popular open-source projects. I started my career as a software developer in 2010, and since 2021 I work full time only on my open source projects. In 2012 I released my carousel plugin Swiper (, which I maintain to this day. In more than 10 years, Swiper has become the best-in-class carousel (slider) plugin for the web. Another open source project is Framework7 ( - mobile development framework, released in 2014. I also maintain it to this day. Framework7 has a significant impact on the mobile development industry, and one of my main goals is to make mobile development more accessible worldwide.
Cloud computing
Software as a service
Web services
Computer applications
Information technology
Embedded software
Open source software
Public domain software
Software Engineer
Rostov State Transport University
Engineering , 2008