Wael A
Phone+491623921028 (Cell)
Mailing AddressWael AhmadHerrenberger Strasse 130, Boeblingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg 71034 Germany (Work)Wael Muhammad Abdullah Ali Ahmad230 Ramsis Extend 2, Nasr City, Al Qahirah 11471 Egypt (Home)
Instant MessengerWael.M.Abdullah (Skype)
Wael A. Ahmad received B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electronics engineering and electrical communication from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt in 2007 & 2012 respectively. From 2008 to 2016 he worked in Egypt on the development of RF/microwave high-power amplifiers & microwave modules in sub-6 GHz & C-band. He has also been a consultant on RFIC designs. From 2016 to 2021, he joined the mmWave Wireless Group in IHP, Frankfurt, Germany as a Radar Research Scientist & mmWave IC Designer where he pursued his Ph.D. in mmWave BiCMOS radar sensors & integrated antenna technologies with the Technical University of Berlin. Late 2021, Wael joined Keysight Labs' RF/mmWave Subsystems Design Group addressing 5G, 6G, Automotive Radar & Aero/Defense applications. He has been an affiliate member of the IEEE MTT-S Microwave/mmWave Radar, Sensing & Array Systems technical committee & his research work was acknowledged by several international awards.
Design Engineer
Keysight Technologies
Design Engineer
IHP Microelectronics
Design Engineer
Humboldt University Of Berlin
, 2022
Ain Shams University
Master of Science
, 2012
Ain Shams University
Bachelor of Science
, 2007
IEEE Groups And Memberships