Rodolfo Fiorini
Phone+0039 02 2399 3350 (Work)+0039 02 89094071 (Home)
Mailing AddressRodolfo Fiorini2 Via Orti, Milano, Milan 20122 Italy (Home)Rodolfo FioriniPolitecnico-DEIB, Milano, 20133 Italy (Work)
Rodolfo A. Fiorini is Professor of Bioengineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. In the 70’s he graduated in Biomedical Engineering and in the early 80’s he earned its Italian Ph.D in energy conservation; in the late 80’s he earned its American Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering. Since 1980, he has been using intercultural, transdisciplinary approaches to help the creation and perception of reality levels where engineering and life sciences can synergically interact. He promotes vital biomedical relationship through continuous research and education, according to his biomedical holenergetics or panergetics theory, to tune the future of public health, wellbeing, wellness and fitness to universal principles.
Politecnico Di Milano
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