Robert Luk
Information Retrieval and Science of Science
I am interested in information retrieval including retrieval models, search interface, string search algorithms, feedback, search evaluation, etc. In 2000, I was a visiting scholar at the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. I developed my own search engine to participate in TREC and NTCIR. My search engine has over 100 ranking functions of various retrieval models (like BM25, PL2, VSM, Fuzzy Boolean, LM, etc) and the search engine is scaled to handle terabyte collections. In general, I am interested in processing of textual/web databases including text categorization, natural language processing, pattern recognition, text clustering, etc. I am also interested in philosophy of science. In particular, I developed a theory and a model of scientific study. Based on these, I am trying to establish the science of science (which develops in tandem with philosophy of science) as well as trying to answer what is engineering science.
University Of Southampton
Doctor of Philosophy
Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
, 1992
University of Warwick
Master of Science
Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
, 1989
University Of Southampton
, 1987
University Of Southampton
Bachelor of Science
Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
, 1987
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