Ricardo Sanz
Ricardo Sanz was born in Spain in 1963. Got a degree in control engineering in 1987 and a Ph.D. in Robotics and AI in 1990. Since 1991, he has been a member of the Department of Automatic Control at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, teaching Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Automatic Control, Robotics and Systems Engineering. His research interests focus on the topic of architectures for intelligent systems. He has been involved in many research projects on autonomous control, software technologies for complex, distributed controllers, real-time artificial intelligence, cognitive robotics, bio-inspired controllers and philosophical aspects of intelligence. He has been associate editor of the IEEE Control Systems Magazine, the International Journal of Machine Consciousness, the Cognitive Systems Research Journal and the Journal on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Systems. He has also been chairman of OMG and IFAC working groups on computing and control.
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Technical University of Madrid
Doctor of Philosophy
, 1990