Petr Lukes
Dr. Petr Lukes is a senior researcher and the Head of the Department of Pulse Plasma Systems at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. He is specialized in the research of elementary chemical and physical processes induced by non-thermal plasma of electrical discharges in liquids and in gas-liquid environments; environmental and biomedical applications of underwater plasma; diagnostics of chemical products of electrical discharges in liquids and gas/liquid interfaces; investigation of effects of discharge plasma on organic compounds and microorganisms in liquids.
Banaschik, R., Lukes, P.Miron, C.Banaschik, R.Pipa, A.V.Fricke, K., et al., "Fenton chemistry promoted by sub-microsecond pulsed corona plasmas for organic micropollutant degradation in water," Electrochimica Acta, vol. 245, pp. 539 - 548, 2017.
Lukes, Petr, Akiyama, HidenoriJiang, ChunqiDoria, AndreaGallerano, Gian PieroRamundo-Orlando, Alfonsina, et al., "Special Electromagnetic Agents: From Cold Plasma to Pulsed Electromagnetic Radiation," Bioelectrics, pp. 109 - -154, 2017.
Hoffer, P., Lukes, P. Akiyama, H., and Hosseini, H., "Spatiotemporal dynamics of underwater conical shock wave focusing," Shock Waves, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 685 - 690, 2017.
Simek, M., Pongrac, B. Babicky, V. Clupek, M., and Lukes, P., "Luminous phase of nanosecond discharge in deionized water: morphology, propagation velocity and optical emission," Plasma Sources Science & Technology, vol. 26, no. 7, 2017.
Lukes, P., Fernandez, F. Gutierrez-Aceves, J. Fernandez, E. Alvarez, U. M. Sunka, P., et al., "Tandem shock waves in medicine and biology: a review of potential applications and successes," Shock Waves, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 1 - 23, 2016.