Professor Pedro C. Santana-Mancilla Senior Member

Pedro C. Santana-Mancilla is a research professor at the School of Telematics at the University of Colima in Mexico. His research interest focus in Human Computer Interaction, Serious Games and Learning Technology. In 2012 he was awarded with an IBM Faculty Award to support his research in intelligent environments for education. He is a senior member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering), member of the board of the Mexican Association on Human Computer Interaction (AMexIHC) and member of the Mexican Society of Computer Science (SMCC) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and ACM SIGCHI Officer of the Mexican Chapter.
Pedro Cesar Santana and Luis E Anido, "Heuristic Evaluation of an Interactive Television System to Facilitate Elders Home Care," {IEEE} Latin America Transactions, vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 3455 - -3460, 2016.
Pedro Santana-Mancilla, Laura Gayt{\'{a}}n-Lugo, and Miguel Rodr{\'{\i}}guez-Ortiz, "Usability Testing of Serious Games: The Experience of the {IHCLab}," in Games User Research, 2016, pp. 271 - -283.
Miguel A. Garcia-Ruiz and Pedro C. Santana-Mancilla, "Development and usability testing of simulated wind in a racing video game," in 2015 {IEEE} Games Entertainment Media Conference ({GEM}), 2015
Garcia-Ruiz, Miguel A, Santana, Pedro C, and Molina, Isabel, "Using Effective Stereoscopic Molecular Model Visualizations in Undergraduate Classrooms," 2014.
Santana-Mancilla, Pedro C, Echeverr\'\\ia, Martha Alicia Maga\~naSantos, Juan Carlos RojasCastellanos, Jos\'e Alejandro Nieblas, and D\'\\iaz, Alma Patricia Salazar, "Towards Smart Education: Ambient Intelligence in the Mexican Classrooms," Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 106, pp. 3141 - -3148, 2013.