Prof. Mohammad Murshed Senior Member

Burwood, Victoria , Australia  •  IEEE Victorian Section
  • Phone
    +61392446858 (Work)
    +61417142754 (Cell)
    +61397072104 (Home)
  • Mailing Address
    Manzur Murshed
    School of Information Technology, Burwood, Victoria 3125 Australia (Work)
    Manzur Murshed
    16 Kingsburgh Court, Traralgon, Victoria 3844 Australia (Home)
    Mohammad Murshed
    Probal 232, Road No 4, Chittagong, Bangladesh (Home)
Manzur Murshed received a BScEngg (Hons) degree in computer science and engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka in 1994 and a PhD degree in computer science from The Australian National University, Canberra in 1999. Currently, he is a Professor of Computer Science at Deakin University. Previously, he served Federation University as the Associate Dean Research at School of Engineering, IT and Physical Sciences (2019–2022) and a Robert Smith Chair (2014–2018), and Monash University as the Head of Gippsland School of Information Technology (2007–2013). His research interests include video technology, machine learning, wireless communications, Cloud computing, and security & privacy. He has published 240+ refereed research papers and received $5.4m competitive research funding, including seven Federal Government grants, and supervised 29 PhDs to completion. He is an Associate Editor (AE) of IEEE TMM and was an AE of IEEE TCSVT.
Deakin University
Australian National University
Doctor of Philosophy
Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology
Bachelor of Science
Computer Sciences and Information Technologies , 1994