Dr. Michele Albano Senior Member

Aalborg, Nordjylland , Denmark  •  IEEE Denmark Section
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Michele Albano is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science of Aalborg University, working on cyber-physical systems and distributed systems with a focus on the application areas of smart grids and industrial informatics. He is a Founding Member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications and Computing (TCGCC). Michele studied at University of Pisa, Italy. He worked in private companies in 2001-2006, was researcher at Universidad de Malaga in 2007, at University of New York at Stony Brook in 2009, at Instituto of Telecomunicacoes in 2010-2012, at the CISTER Research Unit of the Polytechnic of Porto in 2012-2019. He is on the editorial board of the Transactions on Emerging Telecommunication Technologies, was Editor in Chief for the Journal of Green Engineering in 2015-2018, and he is Editor in Chief for the Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management since January 2019.
IEEE 802.11p Standard
Smart cities
Smart grids
Wireless LAN
Wireless sensor networks
Computer Scientist
Aalborg University
Michele Albano, Abate, {Jose Manuel}{Barrutia Inza}, IbanVito Cucek{De Brabandere}, KarelAnder Etxabe, et al., "Monitoring of Critical Assets," The MANTIS book: Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance, pp. 93 - -144, 2019.
Erkki Jantunen, {Di Orio}, GiovanniCsaba Heged��sPal VargaIstv{\'a}n Moldov{\'a}nFelix Larrinaga, et al., "Maintenance 4.0 world of integrated information," Enterprise Interoperability VIII, vol. 9, pp. 67 - -78, 2019.
"The MANTIS book. Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance," 2019
Roberto Passerone, Daniela CancilaMichele AlbanoSebti MouelhiSandor PloszErkki Jantunen, et al., "A Methodology for the Design of Safety-Compliant and Secure Communication of Autonomous Vehicles," {IEEE} Access, vol. 7, pp. 125022 - -125037, 2019.
Michele Albano, Pankaj SharmaJaime Campos, and Erkki Jantunen, "Energy Saving by Blockchaining Maintenance," Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, vol. 2018, pp. 63 - -88, 2018.
Universita di Pisa
Doctor of Philosophy
Computer Sciences and Information Technologies , 2010