Dr. Michael Vesnik Senior Member IEEE Volunteer

Moscow, Russian Federation  •  IEEE Russia Section
Acoustic pulses
Acoustic propagation
Acoustic waves
Seismic waves
Analytical models
Antenna arrays
Broadband antennas
Antenna radiation patterns
Antenna theory
Michael V. Vesnik, "The Method of the Generalized Eikonal. New Approaches in the Diffraction Theory.," Monography, Walter de Gruyter, pp. 1 - 201, 2015.
Vesnik, M.V., "On the Possibility of the Application of Axially Displaced Ellipse Antenna Elements for Construction of a Compact Multibeam Antenna System," Antennas and Propagation Magazine, IEEE, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 125 - 128, 2011.
Vesnik, M., "Scattering pattern calculation in far zone with use of the method of generalized eikonal," in Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, 2008. MMET 2008. 12th International Conference on, 2008, pp. 235 - 237.
Vesnik, M.V., "Extension of diffraction theory heuristic methods feasibilities by use of the method of generalized eikonal," in Antenna Theory and Techniques, 2007 6th International Conference on, 2007, pp. 214 - 216.
Vesnik, M.V., "Method of generalized eikonal and 2-D diffraction analytical solutions," in Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, 2003. ICECom 2003. 17th International Conference on, 2003, pp. 427 - 429.