Dr. Michael Papka Senior Member

Lemont, Illinois , USA  •  IEEE Chicago Section
Michael E. Papka is a senior scientist and member of the senior leadership at Argonne National Laboratory. Mike joined Argonne in 1992 and has served as deputy associate laboratory director for Computing, Environment, and Life Sciences since 2006 and as director of the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility since 2010. His credentials include a bachelor's in physics, a master's in electrical engineering and computer science, a master's in computer science, and a Ph.D. in computer science. His research interests span high-performance computing, scientific visualization, large-scale data analysis, and research infrastructure in support of science. Mike is Warren S. McCulloch Professor of Computer Science and director of the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois Chicago.
University of Illinois Chicago
Scientific Manager
Argonne National Laboratory
Doctor of Philosophy
Computer Sciences and Information Technologies , 2009
Master of Science
Computer Sciences and Information Technologies , 2002
University of Illinois-Chicago
Master of Science
Computer Sciences and Information Technologies , 1994