Lori Lamel
I am a senior research scientist (DR1) at the CNRS, which I joined as a permanent researcher at LIMSI in October 1991. I received my Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in May 1988 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Thesis title: Formalizing Knowledge used in Spectrogram Reading: Acoustic and perceptual evidence from stops). My S.B. and S.M. degrees are also in EECS from MIT, and the research for my S.M. thesis was conducted as a co-op student at AT\&T Bell Laboratories (Subject: Endpoint detection for isolated word recognition). I was recipient of a Bell Laboratories Graduate Research Program for Women grant from 1978-1982. I obtained my 'Habilitation a diriger des Recherches' (Document title: Traitment de la parole (Spoken Language Processing ) in January 2004. I was named an ISCA Fellow in 2015 and am elevated to IEEE Fellow as of 1 January 2021 with the citation "for contributions to automatic speech recognition".