Dr. Laurence Merkle Senior Member

Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio , USA  •  IEEE Dayton Section
Efficiency - Effectiveness - Quality
Technical Expertise
Software, General
Simulation and Modeling
Technical Writing
World Wide Web
Expert Witness
Special Skills
Technical Specialties
Effective and efficient application of evolutionary algorithms as optimum seeking techniques. Theoretical analysis, often supported by computational experiments, as well as practical applications in the solution of important scientific, engineering, and mathematical problems. Highly interdisciplinary and collaborative. Technical writing across a broad domain of science, engineering and mathematics for audiences ranging from general public to highly specialized. Technical articles, engineering documents, user manuals, etc. Website development for small businesses and non-profit organizations using various technologies (e.g. custom WordPress themes and plugins, CSS, PHP, Smarty, JQuery, MySQL, PayPal).
Additional Specialties
Partial list: Ada, ALGOL, ASP.NET, Assembly language (multiple), AWK, Bourne Shell (bash), BASIC, Batch, C, C++, C#, C Shell, CLIPS, COBOL, ColdFusion, Common LISP, C Shell (csh), Curl, dBase, Emacs LISP, Fortran, FoxBase, Franz LISP, Java, JavaScript, JQuery, ksh, LabView, LaTeX, Lisp, Machine code (several), make, Maple, Mathematica, MATLAB, Microcode (several), MySQL, Not Quite C (NQC), Pascal, PayPal, Perl, PHP, PL/SQL, PowerShell, Prolog, Python, SAS, Scheme, Sed, Smarty, SNOBOL, TeX,VBScript, Verilog, VHDL, Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C++, Visual C#, WordPress, Z notation
Evolutionary algorithm
Evolutionary computation
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
IEEE Computational Intelligence
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
Space debris
Air Force Institute of Technology
Employment Settings
Employment Preferences
  • Employment Type
    Consultant, Contract Employee
  • Desired Salary
    Not Applicable
  • Travel
  • Available for International Assignments
  • Commute
    Not Applicable
The Air Force Inst Of Tech
Doctor of Philosophy
Engineering , 1996
The Air Force Inst Of Tech
Master of Science
Engineering , 1992
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Bachelor of Science
Engineering , 1987