Lauren Gaunt

Over 40 years experience in high-voltage electric power distribution planning, engineering, and operations. Licensed P.E. Expert witness.
Lauren E. Gaunt, P.E. is an NESC Specialist and Electric Utility Consultant providing expert opinions and testimony in claims and damage cases throughout the U.S. Lauren has more than 40 years of electric utility transmission and distribution experience. Lauren testified dozens of times before Connecticut state regulators and in Superior Court as an expert electrical engineer in cases involving system reliability, metering, capital expenditures, system operations and maintenance, pole attachments, clearances, structural loadings, joint pole ownership, new electrical services, vegetation management, equipment failures, line extensions and upgrades, storm response and restoration, electrical contacts, electrocutions, personal injury, stray voltage, property damage, house and structure fires, service interruptions, tariff provisions, and NESC compliance. Lauren has a B.S.E. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan and an M.E. in Electric Power Engineering from RPI.
Licensed Professional Engineer (State of Connecticut)
Professional Engineer
Technical Expertise
Electric Power Engineering, Electric Utility Forensic Engineering
Special Skills
Technical Specialties
Electric power distribution planning, engineering , and operations.
Additional Specialties
Over 30 years experience on committees responsible for the National Electrical Safety Code ("NESC") including NESC Subcommittee 2 (Grounding Methods), as Chair of NESC Subcommittee 7 (Underground Lines), and NESC Interpretations Subcommittee. Experienced consultant and expert witness in electrical high-voltage personal injury claim cases.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Master of Engineering
Engineering , 1987