Dr. Kiyoshi Miyashita Senior Member

San Jose, California , USA  •  IEEE Santa Clara Valley Section
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BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & ADAS-IC DESIGN EXPERT SENIOR ENNGINEER OF SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEER IN JAPAN (JSAE) * Experienced lead engineer, both Wired Comm (Serial-IF) & Wireless (RF) ICs for 32+ years. * Proven success for Serial IF-IP (JESD204B, 10GBASE-T …etc.), Automotive radar, DSRC, WCDMA, CD-ROM AFE and ASSP/Full-Custom ICs. * Complete the deal of $20M/y in 2014(latest), $10M/y in 1996(first).* Have been leading Electrical-Optical PLL project for FMCW automotive LiDAR/Radar (on-going). * Lead ISO 26262, Cyber-security and Auto-QMS . Functional Safety Assessor of our Angler detection IC * Received National Certificate Named “IT passport(technical management skill proven by JP government) * Panelist “IHS Automotive Executive Briefing: Autonomous Car 2015”. https://ihsmarkit.com/events/automotive-executive-briefing-autonomous-car/agenda.html * Written and oral fluency in English--TOEIC 820 in 2016.
Analog integrated circuits
Millimeter wave integrated circuits
Automotive electronics
Chief Engineer/Chief Scientist
Miyashita, K., "A 1.0V 31GHz differentially controlled CMOS VCO with 191.9 dBc/Hz FOM," in Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2012 IEEE MTT-S International, 2012, pp. 1 - 3.
Miyashita, K., "A plastic packaged Ku-band LNB with very high susceptibility to supply PLL in 0.18um CMOS," in Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF), 2010 Topical Meeting on, 2010, pp. 188 - 191.
Miyashita, K., "A Ku-band down-converter with perfect differential PLL in 0.18um CMOS," in Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on, 2010, pp. 4289 - 4292.
Sun, I.-S.M., Wai Tung Ng Mok, P.K.T. Mochizuki, H. Shinomura, K. Imai, H., et al., "RF bipolar transistors in CMOS compatible technologies," in Electron Devices Meeting, 2001. Proceedings. 2001 IEEE Hong Kong, 2001, pp. 108 - 111.
Miyashita, K., Ichikawa, S. Nakao, Y. Shimataka, N., and Otuki, T., "110 MHz IF-baseband CMOS receiver for J-CDMA/AMPS application," in Circuits and Systems, 2001. ISCAS 2001. The 2001 IEEE International Symposium on, 2001, pp. 690 - 693 vol. 4.
Kyushu Inst Of Tech - Tobata Campus
Doctor of Philosophy
Engineering , 2015
Kyushu Inst Of Tech - Tobata Campus
Master of Engineering
Engineering , 1989