Mr. Jonathan Polimeni Member

Cambridge, Massachusetts , USA  • 
Baoqiang Li, Ryo OhtomoMartin ThunemannStephen R AdamsJing YangBuyin Fu, et al., "Two-photon microscopic imaging of capillary red blood cell flux in mouse brain reveals vulnerability of cerebral white matter to hypoperfusion," Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 501 - 512, 2020.
David G. Norris and Jonathan R. Polimeni, "Laminar (f)MRI: A short history and future prospects," NeuroImage, vol. 197, pp. 643 - 649, 2019.
Blazejewska AI, Fischl BWald LL, and Polimeni JR, "Intracortical smoothing of small-voxel fMRI data can provide increased detection power without spatial resolution losses compared to conventional large-voxel fMRI data.," NeuroImage, 2019.
Claire Leurent, James A. GoodmanYao ZhangPing HeJonathan R. PolimeniMahmut Edip Gurol, et al., "Immunotherapy with ponezumab for probable cerebral amyloid angiopathy," Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 795 - 806, 2019.
Roberta Sclocco, Ronald G. GarciaNorman W. KettnerKylie IsenburgHarrison P. FisherCatherine S. Hubbard, et al., "The influence of respiration on brainstem and cardiovagal response to auricular vagus nerve stimulation: A multimodal ultrahigh-field (7T) fMRI study," Brain Stimulation, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 911 - 921, 2019.