Dr. Guillaume Mercere Senior Member

Poitiers, Poitou-Charentes , France  •  IEEE France Section
  • Phone
    +33549362276 (Cell)
  • Mailing Address
    Guillaume Mercere
    2 rue Pierre Brousse, Poitiers, Poitou-Charentes 86073 France (University/College)
I was born in Cambrai, France, in 1977. I received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Caen Engineering School, Caen, France, in 2001, the Ph.D. degree in automatic control from Lille University, Lille, France, in 2004 and the "Habilitation {\'a} diriger des Recherches" from Poitiers University, Poitiers, France, in 2012. Since September 2005, I have been an Associate Professor, then a Full Professor at Poitiers University, Poitiers, France, and a member of the Automatic Control and Electrical Engineering Laboratory of Poitiers. I am an Associate Editor on the IEEE CSS Conference Editorial Board and I was the chair of the IEEE CSS Technical Committee on System Identification and Adaptive Control between 2016 and 2019. My main research interests include data driven modeling and system identification theory. My current activities focus on vehicle tire/road interactions, heat transfer, flexible and cable driven manipulators, aeronautics and image processing.
Automatic control
System identification
University of Poitiers
Doctor of Philosophy
Engineering , 2004
University of Caen Normandy
Engineering , 2001
Master of Engineering
Engineering , 2001