Prof. Gerardo Di Martino Senior Member IEEE Volunteer

Gerardo Di Martino was born in Naples, Italy, in 1979. He received the Laurea Degree “cum laude” in Telecommunication Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, both from the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, in 2005 and 2009, respectively. He is currently Associate Professor of Electromagnetic Fields at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Naples Federico II. Since 2022 he holds the Italian National Habilitation as full professor. His main research interests are in the field of remote sensing and electromagnetics: modelling of electromagnetic scattering from natural surfaces and urban areas, simulation and processing of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) signals, information extraction from SAR data, and electromagnetic propagation in urban areas. He is the founding Lead Editor of the GRSS Section within IEEE Access and an Associate Editor of the IEEE JSTARS.
Electromagnetic propagation
Spaceborne radar
Radar remote sensing
Synthetic aperture radar