Gary Carr
Phone+19254579277 (Work)+19254579277 (Cell)+19254579277 (Home)
Mailing AddressGary Carr1630 N Main St # 366, Walnut Creek, California 94596-4609 USA (Home)Gary Carr590 La Corso Dr, Walnut Creek, California 94598-2216 USA
Fifty-three years of broadly diversified experience in the design, commissioning, testing, maintenance and operation of electrical power and control systems in process and production facilities through-out the world.Skills development and scope of knowledge have been significantly enriched by working in a variety of industries, world-wide, that included petroleum production and refining, gas production and transportation, power and cogeneration plants, chemical plants, bio-technology plants, agricultural-biotechnology facilities, and nuclear power plants. A strong cross discipline knowledge and experience provides significant project benefit in multi-discipline projects. Additionally, an extensive startup, construction and operations background facilitates creating sound, operable, and maintainable designs.
Technical Expertise
Design Engineer
Employer Other
IEEE Groups And Memberships