Ernesto Inoa
Phone+17863959698 (Cell)+15629778613 (Home)
Mailing AddressDr Ernesto Inoa, Ph.D879 Grandon Ave, Bexley, Ohio 43209-2529 USA (Home)
Ernesto Inoa has more than 15 years of experience in the area of motor drives. He was an R&D Engineer, later RD Sr Engineer, with Caterpillar, Inc., where he did research on control algorithms for the power electronics and motor controls systems of the next generation of hybrid-electric trucks and tractors. He has been with Canoo, Inc., since October of 2018. His major research interests are related to the application of advanced control theory and digital signal processing techniques to power electronics, motor drives, and energy conversion systems. Dr. Inoa has published 11 IEEE papers; serves as a reviewer for several IEEE societies; has submitted 6 patent applications; and received the Best Student Presentation Award at ECCE in 2011, and the IEEE IAS Transactions First Prize Award in 2013. Dr. Inoa received his B.S. (magna cum laude) in Electronics Eng. from PUCMM, the Dominican Republic, in 2000; and the Ph.D. from The Ohio State Univ in 2012.
Special Skills
Technical Specialties
motor controls
Engineering Manager
Canoo, Inc
Longya Xu, Ernesto InoaYu Liu, and Bo Guan, "A new high frequency injection method for sensorless control of Doubly-Fed Induction Machines," 2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp. 1758 - 1764.
Luis Herrera, Robert MurawskiFeng GuoErnesto InoaEylem Ekici, and Jin Wang, "PHEVs charging stations, communications, and control simulation in real time," 2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, pp. 1 - 5.
Feng Guo, Luis HerreraRobert MurawskiErnesto InoaChih-Lun WangYi Huang, et al., "Real time simulation for the study on smart grid," 2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp. 1013 - 1018.
Feng Guo, Luis HerreraRobert MurawskiErnesto InoaChih-Lun WangPhilippe Beauchamp, et al., "Comprehensive Real-Time Simulation of the Smart Grid," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 49, pp. 899 - 908.
Feng Guo, Ernesto InoaWoongchul Choi, and Jin Wang, "Study on Global Optimization and Control Strategy Development for a PHEV Charging Facility," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 61, pp. 2431 - 2441.
Ohio State University
Doctor of Philosophy
, 2012
University of Central Florida
Master of Science
, 2005
Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra
Bachelor of Science
, 2000
IEEE Groups And Memberships