Mr. Clarence Stogner

Lee Stogner serves in Executive Positions in several corporations that drive improved business performance using technologies that include Business Innovation, Digital Transformation, Sustainability, Project Management, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence. Lee has over 35 years of design, consulting, project management and business development experience across a range of industries. Lee has driven growth at companies that include Digital Equipment, Fluor Corporation and Rockwell International. Customers around the world have benefited from Lee's expertise and leadership. Throughout his working career, Lee has been active in both local and international professional activities. Lee is the Chair of the Carolinas' Engineering Cluster and a past Director of the IEEE Board of Directors. Today, Lee is active in promoting the development of the Internet of Things through his participation in the IEEE Internet of Things Initiative, IoT.
Artificial intelligence
Big data
Business process re-engineering
Corporate acquisitions
Organizational aspects
Total quality management
Chairman of the Board/President/CEO
Vincula Group
University of South Carolina
Master of Science
Engineering , 1985
Clemson Univ
Bachelor of Science
Engineering , 1976