Dr. Christopher Madden

I am a Video analytics specialist with over 20 years of experience on a range of projects. I currently work on the Metro Tunnel project working on the Security and Operation Control Systems, especially bringing in Video Analytics into the CCTV system. I have experience in developing robotics and video surveillance solutions to practical projects in Australia and the UK, including algorithm development and testing the systems in field deployments. Much of this work has investigated sensor processing for increased situational awareness for academic, Defence and industrial applications, with a focus on the use of computer vision techniques. I am also interested in 3D virtual world simulations for their ability to model realistic environments, though I have also developed some new interesting user interface concepts for collating and displaying data to users.
Special Skills
Technical Specialties
Computer Programming
Computer vision
Pattern recognition
Context awareness
Intelligent systems
Design Engineer
Metro Trains Melbourne
C. Madden and M. Piccardi, "A framework for track matching across disjoint cameras using robust shape and appearance features," in Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2007. AVSS 2007. IEEE Conference on, 2007, pp. 188 - 193.
E. d. Cheng, C. Madden, and M. Piccardi, "Mitigating the Effects of Variable Illumination for Tracking across Disjoint Camera Views," in 2006 IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2006, pp. 32 - 32.
University of Technology - Sydney
Doctor of Philosophy
Engineering , 2007
Australian National University
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Sciences and Information Technologies , 2003
Australian National University
Bachelor of Engineering
Engineering , 2003