Dr. BALA KUMBLE Life Senior

Patterson Lakes, Victoria , Australia  •  IEEE Victorian Section
Chief Executive and Managing Director, Innova Sierra Pty Ltd, and independent Research and Product Development Company
Dr. Bala Kumble is the Managing Director, Innova Sierra Pty Ltd. Dr Bala Kumble,Chief Technology Officer & President Products, Executive Director, BE, M.Tech, PhD SMIEE, MAICD. Dr Bala Kumble is a founding director of Azurn. Bala has 25 years experience in the telecommunications and information technology industry and has led the development and delivery of large telecommunication infrastructures to corporations, government departments, including Education, Aviation, Defence, and banking and financial institutions, including Telstra Corporation and Telecom New Zealand Australia. Bala was a Joint Director and Member Secretary of the National Radar Council Working Group, Government of India. He is currently a Life Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and was awarded the IEEE Millennium Medal. Dr Kumble is the Executive Chair of Global Knowledge Alliance, Chair, Clarion Analytics, Group Head, R&D Caason Group, and Exec Chair Sierra BioLife
Technical Expertise
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Biomedical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Chief Engineer/Chief Scientist
Innova Sierra Pty Ltd.
IEEE Volunteer Positions
Past Positions
Victorian Section
Jan 1990 - Jan 1992
Chapter Chair
Victorian Section Chapter, COM19
Jan 1987 - Dec 1989
Doctor of Philosophy
Engineering , 1977