Dr. Ahmed Mekky

Ahmed Mekky was born in Al-Ain city, UAE. He received his Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Mechanical Engineering, form the University of Khartoum, Sudan, in 2007. He received his Master of Science (M.Sc) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degrees in Aerospace Engineering from Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, in 2012, and 2018 respectively. In the summer of 2018, he joined the CubeSAT project at Old Dominion University as the Attitude Determination and Control Systems advisor. His research interests lie in the areas of Dynamic Systems and Control, Aircraft Dynamics and Control, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Navigation and Control, Attitude Sensory and Control, Nonlinear and Optimal Control Systems, with a focus on the use of Computational Intelligence in Control Systems.
Control systems
Adaptive control
Linear feedback control systems
Nonlinear control systems
Kettering University