Private posted in IEEE-Young-Professionals community

Call for Joint YP Online Event with IEEE Singapore YP in 2024

Hi all, I am Kenneth Cheong, Chair-elect of IEEE Singapore Young Professionals Affinity Group for 2024. 


On behalf of IEEE Singapore YP, I would like to ask if any YP country/city chapters are keen to explore possible collaboration to organise joint YP Country/City-Country online event.  


Launched in 2023 this year, we had successfully held 4 joint sessions, and we are looking forward to our next edition in 2024 with them again:

1) IEEE Education Society - Singapore YP Connect

2) IEEE India Council - Singapore YP Connect

3) IEEE Vancouver - Singapore YP Connect

4) IEEE Sri Lanka - Singapore YP Connect


It will be a 2-hour session. 1st hour will be talk series, where 1 or 2 speakers will speak on their topics of interest. 2nd hour will be panel discussion, where 2 or 3 panelists will share insights about career opportunities from both cities/countries. 


Learning from the past successful sessions, we believe that this YP Connect series will benefit IEEE Young Professionals of both your YP chapter and ours - providing this platform for them to have greater knowledge-sharing, career development, and networking opportunities beyond our national borders. 


If you are keen to explore, do connect with me at


Thank you.


Kenneth Cheong

Chair-elect, IEEE Singapore YP 2024

IEEE Senior Member