Join YP's 2024 IEEE President-Elect Spatial Chat on 26 Aug at 9:15 AM EDT / 13:15 UTC!


Join the YP Committee on 26 August at 9:15 AM EDT to learn more about the IEEE 2024 President-Elect candidates Kathleen A. Kramer and Roger U. Fujii. Hear more about their IEEE leadership philosophies and ask live questions. Participate to gain insight into how candidates plan to foster innovation, drive technological advancements, and address challenges faced by young professionals everywhere. Candidate questions will be accepted during the event and in advance of it.

Date: Saturday, 26 August 2023

Time: 9:15 AM ET / 13:15 UTC until 11:30 AM ET / 17:30 UTC

Join the event on SpatialChat at

Submit questions on Slido at: using code 3298 185. The pre-event question submission window closes on Friday, 25 August 2023. Earlier submissions have the highest chance of being selected. Inclusion of your name, Section, and IEEE volunteer position (if any) in pre-event question submissions is optional.

You are strongly encouraged to prepare thoughtful questions and engage actively in discussions. Your contributions will play a key role in selecting the candidate who aligns best with the interests and aspirations of young professionals like you.

#IEEEPresidentsElectForum #ClimateAction #Sustainability #IEEEtownhall #YoungProfessionals