Successful Puzzlers Activity at IEEE CONECCT Bangalore Today
Hey all,
Today I hosted the Puzzlers activity to all the members of IEEE Bangalore Section at the Bangalore Section International Flagship conference IEEE CONECCT 2023 and also encouraged all the students to join the Puzzlers community and advised the faculties to spread the word about the Puzzlers at their respective student branches.
Also, the students had amazing enthusiasm and curiosity to solve the puzzles and everyone loved playing with the puzzles.
We had 2 winners and 2 runners.
The 2 winners solved the puzzles within 1 minute and runners solved it within 1.30 mins. The average amount of solving the puzzles by all was approximately 7 mins.
Overall, it was a successful activity at the conference. Here are the few glimpses from today's event! ❤️😌
IEEE Bangalore Section is very happy to host such activity today and is very happy to host more and more in nearer future.
Pov: My close friend and also the volunteer of IEEE Bangalore Section Mr. Asif Ali Ahmed helped me and supported in organising and arranging this successfully. Also, the secretary of IEEE Bangalore Section Mr. Chengappa guided and supported from the day I told him about this till today.
Lastly, Thanks to Puzzlers core team for believing me that I can handle this best and giving me permission to host this at my section.
Happy Volunteering 😁
Roobini G
IEEE Puzzlers Volunteer
IEEE Bangalore Section, India, R10